Voir la version complète : LinkSys Spa 400

16/11/2011, 10h58
Bonjour a tous,
On vient de me fournir d'une passerelle SPA400 pour mon serveur asterisk qui fonctionnait avant qu'en interne.
j'ai suivi plusieurs tuto sur le net pour ajouter cette passerelle mais ca fonctionne pas :( sur le debug j'ai ca :

Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from
-- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn:1] Set("Local/0616759371@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "__FROM_DID=XXXXXXXXXX") in new stack
-- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn:2] NoOp("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "Received an unknown call with DID set to XXXXXXXXXX") in new stack
-- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn:3] Goto("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "s,a2") in new stack
-- Goto (from-pstn,s,2)
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:2] Answer("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "") in new stack
> Channel Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1 was answered.
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:1] Set("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "TIMEOUT(digit)=5") in new stack
-- Digit timeout set to 5.000
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:2] Set("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "TIMEOUT(response)=10") in new stack
-- Response timeout set to 10.000
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:3] Wait("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "4") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:3] Wait("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "2") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:4] Playback("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "ss-noservice") in new stack
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'ss-noservice.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:4] Answer("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:5] BackGround("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "outboundmsgs/message1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@outboundmsg11:6] WaitExten("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;1", "10") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:5] SayAlpha("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "XXXXXXXXXX") in new stack
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/0XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/0XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- <Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2> Playing 'digits/X.ulaw' (language 'en')
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:6] Hangup("Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-pstn, s, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/XXXXXXXXXX@from-pstn-4a3f;2'

Je me demande si j'ai mal configure les route entrentes, sortantes et trunk.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

16/11/2011, 15h14
pas de réponse ??
au moins si vous connaissez un tuto sur le quel je peux me basé car je pense que c par rapport aux loi A et U que ça coince

17/11/2011, 10h52
bon j'ai modifie le trunk ainsi que les routes et mtn j'ai ce genre d'erreur :

-- Attempting call on SIP/SPA400/XXXXXXXXX for s@outboundmsg11:1 (Retry 1)
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Got SIP response 503 "Service Unavailable" back from
> Channel SIP/SPA400-0000000d was never answered.
-- Executing [failed@outboundmsg11:1] System("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "echo -e "echec" >> /tmp/ConvertFile/retour.txt") in new stack
-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'OutgoingSpoolFailed' status is 'UNKNOWN'
-- Executing [h@outboundmsg11:1] System("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "echo -e "echec" >> /tmp/ConvertFile/retour.txt") in new stack
-- Executing [h@outboundmsg11:2] DeadAGI("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "/tmp/ConvertFile/script_retour.agi") in new stack

si quelqu'un a une idée pour m'aider je coince 4 jours que je suis dessu

17/11/2011, 11h30
Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from

Ça signifie que vous êtes entrain de faire un appel qui est renvoyé sur le renvoie d'appel, ect, une boucle.

21/11/2011, 11h59
c'est corrigé
Encore merci