Voir la version complète : trunk sip dans XIVO

21/10/2010, 15h51
Version : 1.4.36+dfsg+pf.xivo.1.1.6

Impossible de sortir en sip, par contre en IAX pas de problème. une idée ?

ci-joint la capture :

[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing Macro("SIP/200-00000004", "outcall|1")
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_DSTID=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:2] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-originate_switch_callerids|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-originate_switch_callerids,s,3)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:3] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:3] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_SRCNUM=200") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:4] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_DSTNUM=00144558898") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:5] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_CONTEXT=default") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:6] UserEvent("SIP/200-00000004", "MacroOutcall|UNIQUEID: 1287668642.7|CHANNEL: SIP/200-00000004|XIVO_USERID: 2|XIVO_DSTID: 1|XIVO_SRCNUM: 200|XIVO_DSTNUM: 00144558898|XIVO_CONTEXT: default") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:7] AGI("SIP/200-00000004", "agi://") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] agi:// AGI handler 'outgoing_user_set_features' successfully executed
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:8] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:nosubroutine") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,11)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:11] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-user_rights_check|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:1] AGI("SIP/200-00000004", "agi://") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] agi:// AGI handler 'user_set_call_rights' successfully executed
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:2] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "ALLOW?:error|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:3] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "1?allow|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-user_rights_check,allow,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:1] NoOp("SIP/200-00000004", "User allowed to make call") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:2] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:12] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:14") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,14)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:14] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "SIP/axialys?:error|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:15] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-pause_agent|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-pause_agent,s,8)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:8] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:16] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKINDEX=0") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:17] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "dial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,dial,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "INTERFACE=SIP/axialys") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:2] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKEXTEN=0144558898") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:3] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKSUFFIX=") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:4] Dial("SIP/200-00000004", "SIP/axialys/0144558898||") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: acl.c:401 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup ''
[Oct 21 15:44:02] ERROR[9624]: chan_sip.c:18444 build_peer: srvlookup failed for outboundproxy: , on peer axialys, removing peer
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: chan_sip.c:3187 create_addr: No such host: axialys
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: app_dial.c:1310 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:5] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "CHANUNAVAIL|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,CHANUNAVAIL,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [CHANUNAVAIL@macro-outcall:1] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "redial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,redial,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKINDEX=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:2] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?dial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:3] Playback("SIP/200-00000004", "congestion-call") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- <SIP/200-00000004> Playing 'congestion-call' (language 'fr_FR')
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Oct 21 15:44:04] Found
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Manager 'xivouser' logged on from
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Manager 'xivouser' logged off from
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-outcall, redial, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004' in macro 'outcall'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (default, 00144558898, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [h@macro-outcall:1] Macro("SIP/200-00000004", "hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:2] SetIfEmpty("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_HANGEDUP=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:3] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:6") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,6)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:6] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:9") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,9)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:9] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,12)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:12] Hangup("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-hangup, s, 12) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004' in macro 'hangup'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-outcall, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004'

21/10/2010, 16h03
que donne un sip show registry

21/10/2010, 17h20
rien, vide. puis registry c'est pour la réception des appels moi c'est l'émission qui merde.

21/10/2010, 19h50
Oui, ben faut bien commencer par quelque part vu qu'on a peux de donnee.....

Est tu sur que tu peux faire du sip avec ton operateur et juste pas du iax?

21/10/2010, 22h30
ben, oui j'ai une deuxième machine sous xivo à côté avec le même trunk sa tourne sans soucis. un truc de fou, je ne comprend vraiment pas ????

22/10/2010, 10h09
puis si je met une patton->T0, c'est pareille, pas de sortie vers l'extérieure, tandis que les appels entre sans soucis (T0->patton).
si je configure le trunk IAX pour Axialys ou autre sa roule !?

22/10/2010, 10h44
ben, oui j'ai une deuxième machine sous xivo à côté avec le même trunk sa tourne sans soucis. un truc de fou, je ne comprend vraiment pas ????
Avec le MEME trunk ?
Tu as bien sur arreté l'autre xivo car sinon ca ne marchera pas.
Tu as aussi reparamétrage ton routeur pour les redirections NAT a chaque fois que tu changes si tu es derriere un routeur ?
( Ok je sais que ca peut etre non necessaire mais avec 2 machines configurées avec le meme trunk, il est fort probable que le routeur s'emmele les pinceaux sans regle explicite. )

Edit: Faut peut etre lire les logs...

[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: acl.c:401 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup ''
[Oct 21 15:44:02] ERROR[9624]: chan_sip.c:18444 build_peer: srvlookup failed for outboundproxy: , on peer axialys, removing peer
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: chan_sip.c:3187 create_addr: No such host: axialysTu as soit un pb de dns, soit ton host est mal defini ce qui semble etre le cas.

23/10/2010, 13h45
j'ai vérifié les DNS et gateway tout est ok. si je configure un compte Axialys via IAX sa sort sans aucun problème. j'aimerais tout de même comprendra quel est le stresse !

bon en fait, j'avais besoin de connecter une PATTON, donc la solution fut de passer part la config personnalisée sans authentification pour les appels sortants via la PATTON , du genre "SIP/ip_de_la_patton".