Version : 1.4.36+dfsg+pf.xivo.1.1.6
Impossible de sortir en sip, par contre en IAX pas de problème. une idée ?
ci-joint la capture :
Code:[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing Macro("SIP/200-00000004", "outcall|1")
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_DSTID=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:2] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-originate_switch_callerids|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-originate_switch_callerids,s,3)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:3] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:3] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_SRCNUM=200") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:4] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_DSTNUM=00144558898") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:5] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_CONTEXT=default") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:6] UserEvent("SIP/200-00000004", "MacroOutcall|UNIQUEID: 1287668642.7|CHANNEL: SIP/200-00000004|XIVO_USERID: 2|XIVO_DSTID: 1|XIVO_SRCNUM: 200|XIVO_DSTNUM: 00144558898|XIVO_CONTEXT: default") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:7] AGI("SIP/200-00000004", "agi://") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] agi:// AGI handler 'outgoing_user_set_features' successfully executed
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:8] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:nosubroutine") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,11)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:11] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-user_rights_check|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:1] AGI("SIP/200-00000004", "agi://") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] agi:// AGI handler 'user_set_call_rights' successfully executed
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:2] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "ALLOW?:error|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:3] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "1?allow|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-user_rights_check,allow,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:1] NoOp("SIP/200-00000004", "User allowed to make call") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:2] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:12] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:14") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,14)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:14] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "SIP/axialys?:error|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:15] Gosub("SIP/200-00000004", "xivo-pause_agent|s|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (xivo-pause_agent,s,8)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:8] Return("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:16] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKINDEX=0") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:17] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "dial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,dial,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "INTERFACE=SIP/axialys") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:2] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKEXTEN=0144558898") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:3] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKSUFFIX=") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:4] Dial("SIP/200-00000004", "SIP/axialys/0144558898||") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: acl.c:401 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup ''
[Oct 21 15:44:02] ERROR[9624]: chan_sip.c:18444 build_peer: srvlookup failed for outboundproxy: , on peer axialys, removing peer
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: chan_sip.c:3187 create_addr: No such host: axialys
[Oct 21 15:44:02] WARNING[9624]: app_dial.c:1310 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:5] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "CHANUNAVAIL|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,CHANUNAVAIL,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [CHANUNAVAIL@macro-outcall:1] Goto("SIP/200-00000004", "redial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Goto (macro-outcall,redial,1)
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:1] Set("SIP/200-00000004", "TRUNKINDEX=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:2] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?dial|1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:3] Playback("SIP/200-00000004", "congestion-call") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:02] -- <SIP/200-00000004> Playing 'congestion-call' (language 'fr_FR')
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Oct 21 15:44:04] Found
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Manager 'xivouser' logged on from
[Oct 21 15:44:04] == Manager 'xivouser' logged off from
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-outcall, redial, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004' in macro 'outcall'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (default, 00144558898, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [h@macro-outcall:1] Macro("SIP/200-00000004", "hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:1] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:2] SetIfEmpty("SIP/200-00000004", "XIVO_HANGEDUP=1") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:3] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:6") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,6)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:6] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "0?:9") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,9)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:9] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000004", "?:hangup") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Goto (macro-hangup,s,12)
[Oct 21 15:44:05] -- Executing [s@macro-hangup:12] Hangup("SIP/200-00000004", "") in new stack
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-hangup, s, 12) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004' in macro 'hangup'
[Oct 21 15:44:05] == Spawn extension (macro-outcall, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000004'