Xivo: impossible de joindre groupe ou file d'attente
Je me suis rendu compte sur mon serveur de test (v 1.1.6) qu'il m'est impossible de joindre les nouveaux groupes ou files d'attentes que je créer. Voici ce que m'affiche les logs :
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing Macro("SIP/2035-00000008", "group|5|")
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:1] Set("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_DSTID=5") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:2] Gosub("SIP/2035-00000008", "xivo-originate_switch_callerids|s|1") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:1] GotoIf("SIP/2035-00000008", "0?:exit") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Goto (xivo-originate_switch_callerids,s,3)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:3] Return("SIP/2035-00000008", "") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:3] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_SRCNUM=2035") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:4] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_DSTNUM=2060") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:5] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_CONTEXT=default") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:6] UserEvent("SIP/2035-00000008", "MacroGroup|UNIQUEID: 1288266243.8|CHANNEL: SIP/2035-00000008|XIVO_USERID: 5|XIVO_DSTID: 5|XIVO_SRCNUM: 2035|XIVO_DSTNUM: 2060|XIVO_CONTEXT: default") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:7] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "__XIVO_FWD_REFERER=group:5") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:8] AGI("SIP/2035-00000008", "agi://") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] agi:// Unable to find group (id: 5, number: None, context: None)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- AGI Script Executing Application: (Goto) Options: (macro-agi_fail|s|1)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Goto (macro-agi_fail,s,1)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] == Channel 'SIP/2035-00000008' jumping out of macro 'group'
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-agi_fail:1] NoOp("SIP/2035-00000008", "AGI Fails") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-agi_fail:2] Hangup("SIP/2035-00000008", "") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] == Spawn extension (macro-agi_fail, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2035-00000008'
On voit clairement qu'il ne trouve pas le groupe, pourtant je n'en ai qu'un seul. Une idée ?