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Discussion: probleme installation asterisk

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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011

    probleme installation asterisk

    slt a tous
    voila j'ai un souci j'ai suivi le tuto sur le forum pour l'installation de asterisk 1.8 squr une debian 6
    la commande make me retourne cette erreur :
    make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /usr/src/asterisk- »
    make[1]: « makeopts » est à jour.
    make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/src/asterisk- »
    [LD] abstract_jb.o acl.o alaw.o aoc.o app.o ast_expr2.o ast_expr2f.o asterisk.o astfd.o astmm.o astobj2.o audiohook.o autochan.o autoservice.o bridging.o callerid.o ccss.o cdr.o cel.o channel.o chanvars.o cli.o config.o data.o datastore.o db.o devicestate.o dial.o dns.o dnsmgr.o dsp.o enum.o event.o features.o file.o fixedjitterbuf.o frame.o framehook.o fskmodem.o global_datastores.o hashtab.o heap.o http.o image.o indications.o io.o jitterbuf.o loader.o lock.o logger.o manager.o md5.o netsock.o netsock2.o pbx.o plc.o poll.o privacy.o rtp_engine.o say.o sched.o security_events.o sha1.o slinfactory.o srv.o ssl.o stdtime/localtime.o strcompat.o strings.o stun.o syslog.o taskprocessor.o tcptls.o tdd.o term.o test.o threadstorage.o timing.o translate.o udptl.o ulaw.o utils.o version.o xml.o xmldoc.o editline/libedit.a db1-ast/libdb1.a ../addons/ ../apps/ ../bridges/ ../cdr/ ../channels/ ../codecs/ ../formats/ ../funcs/ ../pbx/ ../res/ -> asterisk
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_convert_hangupcause_asteriskToH323':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_convert_hangupcause_asteriskToH323'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: Offset (12024) greater than or equal to .debug_abbrev size (1253).
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_convert_hangupcause_h323ToAsterisk':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_convert_hangupcause_h323ToAsterisk'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x20): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_convert_hangupcause_asteriskToH323':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `gH323Debug'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '30675', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_delete_peer':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_delete_peer'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '24065', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x320): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_convertAsteriskCapToH323Cap':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_convertAsteriskCapToH323Cap'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '19968', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xcb0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `find_friend':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `find_friend'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x1490): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `find_user':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `find_user'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '13824', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x1680): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `update_our_aliases':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `update_our_aliases'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '49664', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x1b80): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `find_peer':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `find_peer'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '512', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x4980): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onModeChanged':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onModeChanged'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '38925', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x4b50): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `close_udptl_connection':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `close_udptl_connection'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '514', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x5050): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_set_read_format':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_set_read_format'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1419', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x5410): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_rtp_read':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_rtp_read'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1284', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x5850): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `setup_udptl_connection':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `setup_udptl_connection'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '116', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x5c20): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `close_rtp_connection':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `close_rtp_connection'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1378', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x60f0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `setup_rtp_connection':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `setup_rtp_connection'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '18732', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x6210): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_update_capPrefsOrderForCall':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_update_capPrefsOrderForCall'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '512', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x63a0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `delete_users':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `delete_users'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '18764', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x6420): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `delete_peers':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `delete_peers'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '258', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x65d0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_destroy':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_destroy'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1402', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x67d0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `restart_monitor':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `restart_monitor'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '39929', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x72a0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `handle_cli_ooh323_reload':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `handle_cli_ooh323_reload'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '12815', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x7e30): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `reload_config':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `reload_config'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0x7f80): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_onReceivedSetup':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_onReceivedSetup'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '64263', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xdeb0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onNewCallCreated':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onNewCallCreated'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1024', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xd730): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onAlerting':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onAlerting'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '5', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xbcb0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onProgress':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onProgress'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '116', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xb890): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onOutgoingCall':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onOutgoingCall'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1026', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xc0d0): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onCallEstablished':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onCallEstablished'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1453', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xb480): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `onCallCleared':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `onCallCleared'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1800', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xb150): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_onReceivedDigit':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_onReceivedDigit'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '5', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xc470): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `ooh323_set_write_format':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `ooh323_set_write_format'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '43527', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xc800): first defined here
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.o: In function `configure_local_rtp':
    /usr/src/asterisk- multiple definition of `configure_local_rtp'
    /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1024', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information.
    ../addons/chan_ooh323.eo:(.text+0xcde0): first defined here
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [asterisk] Erreur 1
    make: *** [main] Erreur 2

    d'ou pourrait venir le problème ?
    j'ai désinstaller et réinstaller asterisk en suivant le tuto toujours le même problème

  3. #3
    Membre Association
    Date d'inscription
    août 2010
    Manifestement il ne digère pas h323, désactivez-le avec le "make menuselect" et réessayez.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011
    ces bon ces repartie mes ces bizarre qu'il ne veuille pas le h323

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011
    bon mon asterisk a des problemes je doit obligatoirement faire asterisk et ensuite asterisk -r pour pouvoir le lancer si je fait un reload en etant en CLI il s'arrete et ne demarre pas la commande sip sho peers ne fonctionne pas je pense tout reinstaller ....

    si quelqu'un aurait aussi la commande complete pour enregistrer l'asterisk sur un provider
    car cette commande register => loggin:MDP@uuuuuuu

    ne fonctionne pas il faudrait que je puisse inserer le REALM dans la commande

    merci a tous pour votre aide

  6. #6
    Membre Association
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    1 236
    Google asterisk + register + realm, temps pour trouver = 30 secondes:

    ; Register with authname 1235 and realm at as s here.
    ; (as needed by
    register => Cherche EXAMPLE(en gras)

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