J'ai installé un XIVO avec une carte B410P en mode NT.

Derriere il y a un PBAX avaya Office IP 500.

Au travers du xivo vers Avaya, cela fonctionne, j'arrive à passer une SDAà l'avaya et donc contacter un poste téléphonique.

Par contre en sortie l'avaya me transmet mal le numéro qu'il cherche à joindre.

on voit dans les logs ci-joint qu'il me transmet le dad sur 4 digits ou XIVO_DSTNUM aussi

Sur des lignes FT l'avaya fonctionne donc je pense que j'ai mal configuré quelque chose dans mes fichiers de conf

Merci de votre aide

Verbosity is at least 5
P[ 1] --> lib: prim 30582 dinfo 5e0000
P[ 1] channel with stid:0 not in use!
P[ 1] --> new_process: New L3Id: 5e0000
P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:-1
P[ 1] find_free_chan: req_chan:0
P[ 1] --> found chan: 1
P[ 1] set_chan_in_stack: 1
P[ 1] Idx:0 stack->cchan:0 in_use:1 Chan:1
P[ 1] Idx:1 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:2
P[ 1] Idx:2 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:3
P[ 1] $$$ find_chan: No channel found for oad:03XXXXXXX dad:0618
P[ 1] I IND :SETUP oad:03XXXXXXX dad:0618 pid:4 state:none
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:5e0000 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:0x92ec724 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] $$$ find_chan: No channel found for oad:03XXXXXXX dad:0618
P[ 1] --> Bearer: Speech
P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw
P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:0618 oad:03XXXXXXX
P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config
P[ 1] config_jb: Called
P[ 1] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp:
P[ 1] --> CTON: Unknown
P[ 1] --> EXPORT_PID: pid:4
P[ 1] --> PRES: Allowed (0)
P[ 1] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0)
P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x95b02a0
P[ 1] CONTEXT:from-extern
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:1 stack->upperid:40000101
P[ 1] I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:03XXXXXXX dad:0618 pid:4
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:5e0000 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:0x92ec724 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] $$$ Setting up bc with stid :10010100
P[ 1] setup_bc: with dsp
P[ 1] --> Channel is 1
P[ 1] --> TRANSPARENT Mode
P[ 1] $$$ Bchan Activated addr 50010102
P[ 1] BCHAN: bchan ACT Confirm pid:4
P[ 1] Transmitting 78 samples of silence to misdn
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing Macro("mISDN/1-u2", "outcall|14")
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:1] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "XIVO_DSTID=14") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:2] Gosub("mISDN/1-u2", "xivo-originate_switch_callerids|s|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:1] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (xivo-originate_switch_callerids,s,3)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:3] Return("mISDN/1-u2", "") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:3] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "XIVO_SRCNUM=03XXXXXXX") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:4] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "XIVO_DSTNUM=0618") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:5] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "XIVO_CONTEXT=from-extern") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:6] UserEvent("mISDN/1-u2", "MacroOutcall|UNIQUEID: 1311842370.4|CHANNEL: mISDN/1-u2|XIVO_USERID: |XIVO_DSTID: 14|XIVO_SRCNUM: 03XXXXXXX|XIVO_DSTNUM: 0618|XIVO_CONTEXT: from-extern") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:7] AGI("mISDN/1-u2", "agi://") in new stack
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
[Jul 28 10:39:30] agi:// AGI handler 'outgoing_user_set_features' successfully executed
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:8] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "?:nosubroutine") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,11)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:11] Gosub("mISDN/1-u2", "xivo-user_rights_check|s|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:1] AGI("mISDN/1-u2", "agi://") in new stack
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
[Jul 28 10:39:30] agi:// AGI handler 'user_set_call_rights' successfully executed
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:2] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "ALLOW?:error|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-user_rights_check:3] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "1?allow|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (xivo-user_rights_check,allow,1)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:1] NoOp("mISDN/1-u2", "User allowed to make call") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [allow@xivo-user_rights_check:2] Return("mISDN/1-u2", "") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:12] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "?:14") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (macro-outcall,s,14)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:14] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "IAX2/002997-spc?:error|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:15] Gosub("mISDN/1-u2", "xivo-pause_agent|s|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:1] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "0?:exit") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (xivo-pause_agent,s,8)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@xivo-pause_agent:8] Return("mISDN/1-u2", "") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:16] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "TRUNKINDEX=0") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [s@macro-outcall:17] Goto("mISDN/1-u2", "dial|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (macro-outcall,dial,1)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:1] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "INTERFACE=IAX2/002997-spc") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:2] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "TRUNKEXTEN=0618") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:3] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "TRUNKSUFFIX=") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:4] Dial("mISDN/1-u2", "IAX2/002997-spc/0618||") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Called 002997-spc/0618
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
P[ 1] Transmitting 128 samples of silence to misdn
[Jul 28 10:39:30] WARNING[2269]: chan_iax2.c:9251 socket_process: Call rejected by No such context/extension
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Hungup 'IAX2/002997-spc-1175'
[Jul 28 10:39:30] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [dial@macro-outcall:5] Goto("mISDN/1-u2", "CHANUNAVAIL|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (macro-outcall,CHANUNAVAIL,1)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [CHANUNAVAIL@macro-outcall:1] Goto("mISDN/1-u2", "redial|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Goto (macro-outcall,redial,1)
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:1] Set("mISDN/1-u2", "TRUNKINDEX=1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:2] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u2", "?dial|1") in new stack
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- Executing [redial@macro-outcall:3] Playback("mISDN/1-u2", "congestion-call") in new stack
P[ 1] * ANSWER:
P[ 1] --> Connection is without BF encryption
P[ 1] --> None
P[ 1] --> empty cad using dad
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:1 stack->upperid:40000101
P[ 1] I SEND:CONNECT oad:03XXXXXXX dad:0618 pid:4
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:NT cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:0618
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:5e0000 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:0x92ec724 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] $$$ bc already setup stid :10010100 (state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED)
P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2100 c2:0
P[ 1] ec_enable
P[ 1] BUILD_CONNECT: bc:0x92ec724 bc->l3id:6160384, nt:1
P[ 1] * IND : Indication [-1] on mISDN/1-u2

P[ 1] --> * IND : -1! (stop indication) pid:4
P[ 1] --> None
[Jul 28 10:39:30] -- <mISDN/1-u2> Playing 'congestion-call' (language 'fr_FR')
P[ 1] Jitterbuffer Underrun. Got 32 of expected 128
P[ 1] Jitterbuffer Underrun. Got 96 of expected 128