
Je me suis rendu compte sur mon serveur de test (v 1.1.6) qu'il m'est impossible de joindre les nouveaux groupes ou files d'attentes que je créer. Voici ce que m'affiche les logs :

[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing Macro("SIP/2035-00000008", "group|5|")
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:1] Set("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_DSTID=5") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:2] Gosub("SIP/2035-00000008", "xivo-originate_switch_callerids|s|1") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:1] GotoIf("SIP/2035-00000008", "0?:exit") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Goto (xivo-originate_switch_callerids,s,3)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@xivo-originate_switch_callerids:3] Return("SIP/2035-00000008", "") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:3] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_SRCNUM=2035") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:4] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_DSTNUM=2060") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:5] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "XIVO_CONTEXT=default") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:6] UserEvent("SIP/2035-00000008", "MacroGroup|UNIQUEID: 1288266243.8|CHANNEL: SIP/2035-00000008|XIVO_USERID: 5|XIVO_DSTID: 5|XIVO_SRCNUM: 2035|XIVO_DSTNUM: 2060|XIVO_CONTEXT: default") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:7] SetIfEmpty("SIP/2035-00000008", "__XIVO_FWD_REFERER=group:5") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-group:8] AGI("SIP/2035-00000008", "agi://") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] agi:// Unable to find group (id: 5, number: None, context: None)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- AGI Script Executing Application: (Goto) Options: (macro-agi_fail|s|1)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Goto (macro-agi_fail,s,1)
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] == Channel 'SIP/2035-00000008' jumping out of macro 'group'
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-agi_fail:1] NoOp("SIP/2035-00000008", "AGI Fails") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] -- Executing [s@macro-agi_fail:2] Hangup("SIP/2035-00000008", "") in new stack
[2010-10-28 13:44:03] == Spawn extension (macro-agi_fail, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2035-00000008'

On voit clairement qu'il ne trouve pas le groupe, pourtant je n'en ai qu'un seul. Une idée ?