Bonjour Sylvain,

Je suis de retour :-) Bizarrement cela à fonctionné sur la machine de test mais pas sur la prod...
J'ai l'impression que quand il connait le numéro l'appel n'aboutit pas (message d’indisponibilité) et quand le numéro n'est pas renseigné l'appel arrive bien et la fiche remonte vierge.

Si ça te parle + rapidement que moi, j'aimerais bien comprendre d'ou ça vient

voici la trace CLI d'un appel connu dans le CRM mais d'ou l'appel n'a pas aboutit (aucun des postes n'a sonné)

Désolé de t’embêter avec ça, mais je comprend pas ce phénomène...

[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [097223XXXX@from-extern:1] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_BASE_CONTEXT=from-extern") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [097223XXXX@from-extern:2] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_BASE_EXTEN=097223XXXX") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [097223XXXX@from-extern:3] Gosub("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "did,s,1(3,)") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:1] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_DSTNUM=097223XXXX") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:2] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_CONTEXT=from-extern") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:3] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_PRESUBR_GLOBAL_NAME=DID") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:4] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_INCALL_ID=3") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:5] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "__XIVO_CALLORIGIN=extern") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:6] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'callerid_extend' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:7] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'in_callerid' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:8] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'callerid_forphones' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:9] UserEvent("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "ReverseLookup,CHANNEL: SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2,") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:10] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "XIVO_SRCNUM=095155XXXX") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:11] Gosub("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "xivo-did_rights_check,s,1") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-did_rights_check:1] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'did_set_call_rights' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-did_rights_check:2] GotoIf("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "ALLOW?:error,1") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-did_rights_check:3] GotoIf("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "1?allow,1") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Goto (xivo-did_rights_check,allow,1)
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [allow@xivo-did_rights_check:1] NoOp("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "Caller allowed to make call") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [allow@xivo-did_rights_check:2] Return("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:12] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'incoming_did_set_features' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:13] UserEvent("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "Did,XIVO_SRCNUM: 095155XXXX,XIVO_SRCNAME: ,XIVO_EXTENPATTERN: 097223XXXX,CHANNEL: SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2,XIVO_SRCTON: 0,XIVO_SRCRDNIS: ") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:14] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "agi://") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] agi:// AGI handler 'check_schedule' successfully executed
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:15] GotoIf("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "0?CLOSED,1") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@did:16] Gosub("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "xivo-subroutine,s,1(sub-sugarcrm)") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-subroutine:1] GotoIf("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "sub-sugarcrm?:nosubroutine") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-subroutine:2] GotoIf("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "1?:nosubroutine") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@xivo-subroutine:3] Gosub("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "sub-sugarcrm,s,1") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@sub-sugarcrm:1] NoOp("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", ""Get information from SUGARCRM"") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@sub-sugarcrm:2] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "SUGARCRM_URL=") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@sub-sugarcrm:3] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "SUGARCRM_USERNAME=XXXX") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@sub-sugarcrm:4] Set("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "SUGARCRM_PASSWD=XXXX") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Executing [s@sub-sugarcrm:5] AGI("SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2", "xivo-sugarcrm/for_xivo") in new stack
[Jan 20 17:46:52] -- Launched AGI Script /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/xivo-sugarcrm/for_xivo
[Jan 20 17:46:52] xivo-sugarcrm/for_xivo: Trying to connect with Asterisk : XXXX
[Jan 20 17:46:57] xivo-sugarcrm/for_xivo: CONTACT : Damien Soulages
[Jan 20 17:46:57] -- <SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2>AGI Script xivo-sugarcrm/for_xivo completed, returning 4
[Jan 20 17:46:57] == Spawn extension (sub-sugarcrm, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/trunk_ovh-000000f2'