bonjour à tous,

j'ai déjà une config sur rasberry pi (raspbx)
là je change de harware et je monte une machine avec une carte digium (j'ouvrirai un topic à ce sujet). Mon problème vient actuellement de l'installation. pseudo débutant, j'ai installé une une debian wheezy 7.7. Ne trouvant pas de tuto, j'ai suivi celui sur le wiki freepbx avec ubuntu 14.10 server,, ubuntu étant proche de debian.

J'ai essayé à maintes reprises, j'ai essayé aussi un tuto avec freepbx2.11 sur debian, mais je n'arrive pas à me logger dans IP/admin
Le problème semble venir de amportal et je n'arrive pas à le résoudre.

à la fin du tuto , quand je fais ./install_amp --installdb --username=asteriskuser --password=${ASTERISK_DB_PW}
il me demande de remplir
root@asterisk:/usr/src/freepbx# ./install_amp --installdb --username=asteriskuser --password=${ASTERISK_DB_PW} 
Checking for PEAR DB..OK 
Checking for PEAR Console::Getopt..OK 
Using username: asteriskuser 
Using password: ***************** 
Checking user..OK 
Checking if Asterisk is running..running with PID: 9844..OK 
Checking for /etc/amportal.conf../etc/amportal.conf does not exist, copying default 
Creating new /etc/amportal.conf 
Enter your USERNAME to connect to the 'asterisk' database: 
 [asteriskuser] asterisk 
Enter your PASSWORD to connect to the 'asterisk' database: 
 [U3k1SeBbe1Jyzn7mG] U3k1SeBbe1Jyzn7mG 
Enter the hostname of the 'asterisk' database: 
 [localhost] localhost 
Enter a USERNAME to connect to the Asterisk Manager interface: 
 [admin] admin 
Enter a PASSWORD to connect to the Asterisk Manager interface: 
 [amp111] amp111 
Enter the path to use for your AMP web root: 
Created /var/www/html 
Enter the IP ADDRESS or hostname used to access the AMP web-admin: 
Use simple Extensions [extensions] admin or separate Devices and Users [deviceanduser]? 
 [extensions] extensions 
Enter directory in which to store AMP executable scripts: 
Created /var/lib/asterisk/bin 
Enter directory in which to store super-user scripts: 
/etc/amportal.conf writtenAssuming new install, --install-moh added to command line 
Reading /etc/amportal.conf..parsed amp_conf variables from /etc/amportal.conf: 
amp_conf [AMPDBHOST] => [localhost] 
amp_conf [AMPDBENGINE] => [mysql] 
amp_conf [AMPENGINE] => [asterisk] 
amp_conf [AMPMGRUSER] => [admin] 
amp_conf [AMPMGRPASS] => [amp111] 
amp_conf [AMPBIN] => [/var/lib/asterisk/bin] 
amp_conf [AMPSBIN] => [/usr/local/sbin] 
amp_conf [AMPWEBROOT] => [/var/www/html] 
amp_conf [AMPCGIBIN] => [/var/www/cgi-bin ] 
amp_conf [FOPWEBROOT] => [/var/www/html/panel] 
amp_conf [FOPPASSWORD] => [passw0rd] 
amp_conf [AUTHTYPE] => [database] 
amp_conf [AMPEXTENSIONS] => [extensions] 
amp_conf [AMPDBUSER] => [asterisk] 
amp_conf [AMPDBPASS] => [U3k1SeBbe1Jyzn7mG] 
amp_conf [AMPWEBADDRESS] => [] 
amp_conf [AMPDBNAME] => [asterisk] 
Checking for /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf../etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf does not exist, copying default 
Reading /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf..OK 
Using asterisk as PBX Engine 
Checking for Asterisk version..13.0.0 
Checking for selinux..OK 
Connecting to database..OK 
Checking state of FreePBX DB...FreePBX DB is empty, inserting standard rows...Done! 
Checking state of FreePBX CDRDB...FreePBX DB is empty, inserting standard rows...Done! 
Checking current version of FreePBX..2.11.0rc1 
Installing new FreePBX files..OK (403 files copied, 0 skipped) fpbx..freepbx_engine..freepbx_setting..gen_amp_conf.php..done 
apply username/password changes to conf files: 
running from /etc/amportal.conf 
	Reading /etc/amportal.conf 
	Updating configuration... 
	/etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf user: [asteriskuser] password: [U3k1SeBbe1Jyzn7mG] hostname: [localhost] 
	/etc/asterisk/manager.conf user: [admin] secret: [amp111] 
	Adjusting File Permissions.. 
	Removing any dangling symlinks 
	Dangling symlinks removed 
done with 
creating missing #include files..OK 
Module 'manager' reloaded successfully. 
Setting permissions on files..OK 
Loading Bootstrap..OK 
Checking for upgrades..10 found 
Upgrading to 2.11.0.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/2.11.0/migration.php 
Upgrading to 2.11.0..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha1.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha1/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha1..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha4.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha4/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha4..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha6.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha6/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha6..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha15.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha15/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha15..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha16.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha16/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha16..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha31.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha31/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha31..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha45.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1alpha45/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1alpha45..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1beta10.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1beta10/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1beta10..OK 
Upgrading to 12.0.1beta30.. 
-> Running PHP script /usr/src/freepbx/upgrades/12.0.1beta30/upgrade.php 
Upgrading to 12.0.1beta30..OK 
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: db in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/cronmanager.class.php on line 92 
Setting freepbx settings form /etc/amportal.conf 
freepbx setting [AMPDBHOST] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [localhost] 
freepbx setting [AMPDBENGINE] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [mysql] 
freepbx setting [AMPENGINE] set to [asterisk] 
freepbx setting [AMPMGRUSER] set to [admin] 
freepbx setting [AMPMGRPASS] set to [amp111] 
freepbx setting [AMPBIN] set to [/var/lib/asterisk/bin] 
freepbx setting [AMPSBIN] set to [/usr/local/sbin] 
freepbx setting [AMPWEBROOT] set to [/var/www/html] 
freepbx setting [AMPCGIBIN] set to [/var/www/cgi-bin ] 
freepbx setting [FOPWEBROOT] set to [/var/www/html/panel] 
freepbx setting [FOPPASSWORD] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [passw0rd] 
freepbx setting [AUTHTYPE] set to [database] 
freepbx setting [AMPEXTENSIONS] set to [extensions] 
freepbx setting [AMPDBUSER] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [asteriskuser] 
freepbx setting [AMPDBPASS] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [U3k1SeBbe1Jyzn7mG] 
freepbx setting [AMPWEBADDRESS] set to [] 
freepbx setting [AMPDBNAME] DOES NOT EXIST, can't set to [asterisk] 
freepbx setting [ASTETCDIR] set to [/etc/asterisk] 
freepbx setting [ASTMODDIR] set to [/usr/lib/asterisk/modules] 
freepbx setting [ASTVARLIBDIR] set to [/var/lib/asterisk] 
freepbx setting [ASTAGIDIR] set to [/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin] 
freepbx setting [ASTSPOOLDIR] set to [/var/spool/asterisk] 
freepbx setting [ASTRUNDIR] set to [/var/run/asterisk] 
freepbx setting [ASTLOGDIR] set to [/var/log/asterisk] 
freepbx setting [FPBXDBUGFILE] set to [/var/log/asterisk/freepbx_debug] 
Generating AMP configs.. 
Generating Configurations.conf, (if Asterisk is not running, you will get an error) 
In case of error, start Asterisk and hit the red bar in the GUI to generate the Configurations.conf files 
Generating Configurations.conf, (if Asterisk is not running, you will get an error) 
In case of error, start Asterisk and hit the red bar in the GUI to generate the Configurations.conf files 
Checking for PEAR Console::Getopt..OK