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Au passage dans sip.conf, section 100, il faut remplacer password par secret

Reteste avec rtp set debug on
voici ce que j'obtiens jusqu'à ce que je raccroche sans son
 Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [100@global:1] Dial("SIP/101-00000004", "SIP/100") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/100
    -- SIP/100-00000005 is ringing
    -- SIP/100-00000005 answered SIP/101-00000004
    -- Channel SIP/100-00000005 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cb6de773-ee69-47d2-98a3-f3ad4c621633>
    -- Channel SIP/101-00000004 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cb6de773-ee69-47d2-98a3-f3ad4c621633>
       > 0x1de4130 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 192.xxxxx4:8000
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxxx.4:8000 (type 00, seq 031756, ts 796551540, len 000160)
       > 0x7fa06c00d7e0 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 192xxxxx.27:8000
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxx.27:8000 (type 00, seq 042414, ts 2147281620, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to      88.xxxxx:8000 (type 00, seq 061833, ts 2147281616, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxx:8000 (type 00, seq 031757, ts 796551700, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 00, seq 031758, ts 796551860, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 00, seq 042415, ts 2147281780, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to      88.xxxx:8000 (type 00, seq 061834, ts 2147281776, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192xxxxx.27:8000 (type 00, seq 042416, ts 2147281940, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to      88.xxxxxx:8000 (type 00, seq 061835, ts 2147281936, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxxx.4:8000 (type 00, seq 031759, ts 796552020, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxxx.4:8000 (type 00, seq 031760, ts 796552180, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxxx27:8000 (type 00, seq 042417, ts 2147282100, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to      88.xxxxxx:8000 (type 00, seq 061836, ts 2147282096, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from    192.xxxxx4:8000 (type 00, seq 031761, ts 796552340, len 000160)
-- Channel SIP/101-00000004 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cb6de773-ee69-47d2-98a3-f3ad4c621633>
  == Spawn extension (global, 100, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-00000004'
    -- Channel SIP/100-00000005 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <cb6de773-ee69-47d2-98a3-f3ad4c621633>