Configuring DHCP server to serve unknown hosts
By default, the XiVO DHCP server serves only known hosts. That is:
•either hosts which MAC address prefix (the OUI) is known
•or hosts which Vendor Identifier is known
Known OUIs and Vendor Class Identifiers are declared in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd_update/* files.
If you want your XiVO DHCP server to serve also unknown hosts (like PCs) follow these instructions:
1.Create a custom template for the dhcpd_subnet.conf.tail file:
mkdir -p /etc/xivo/custom-templates/dhcp/etc/dhcp/
cd /etc/xivo/custom-templates/dhcp/etc/dhcp/
cp /usr/share/xivo-config/templates/dhcp/etc/dhcp/dhcpd_subnet.conf.tail .
2.Edit the custom template:
vim dhcpd_subnet.conf.tail
3.And add the following line at the head of the file:
allow unknown-clients;
4.Re-generate the dhcp configuration:
DHCP server should have been restarted and should now serve all network equipments.