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Discussion: Pb de son sur appel entrant

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  1. #1
    Membre Junior
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2017

    Pb de son sur appel entrant

    J'ai un très gros soucis avec ma téléphonie (asterisk v13) : lors d'un appel entrant j'entends bien mon interlocuteur mais lui ne m'entends pas!
    Pas de pb entre deux postes internes ni lors d'un appel sortant.
    Je n'ai aucune erreur dans la console, je ne sais pas quoi faire, quoi vérifier.
    Quelqu'un aurait-il une piste SVP? C'est super urgent en plus.
    Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

  2. #2
    Membre Junior
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2017
    Quand je démarre Asterisk, voici le contenu du fichier de logs. Est-ce que certaines de ces lignes peuvent expliquer le problème que je rencontre?

    [Oct 24 14:31:13] Asterisk 13.14.1~dfsg-2 built by buildd @ x86-grnet-01 on a x86_64 running Linux on 2017-06-02 13:20:06 UTC
    [Oct 24 14:31:14] NOTICE[6124] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.
    [Oct 24 14:31:14] NOTICE[6124] loader.c: 317 modules will be loaded.
    [Oct 24 14:31:16] NOTICE[6124] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded.
    [Oct 24 14:31:19] WARNING[6124] res_phoneprov.c: Unable to find a valid server address or name.
    [Oct 24 14:31:19] ERROR[6124] ari/config.c: No configured users for ARI
    [Oct 24 14:31:19] NOTICE[6124] pbx_lua.c: Lua PBX Switch loaded.
    [Oct 24 14:31:20] NOTICE[6124] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default.
    [Oct 24 14:31:20] ERROR[6124] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found.
    [Oct 24 14:31:20] ERROR[6124] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver.
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] NOTICE[6124] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] WARNING[6124] chan_sip.c: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] WARNING[6124] chan_sip.c: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] WARNING[6124] chan_sip.c: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible,
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] WARNING[6124] chan_sip.c: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user.
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] WARNING[6124] chan_sip.c: !!! (config category='forfait-ovh' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes')
    [Oct 24 14:31:21] NOTICE[6194] chan_sip.c: Peer 'forfait-ovh' is now Reachable. (5ms / 2000ms)
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] confbridge/conf_config_parser.c: Adding default_menu menu to app_confbridge
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] cel_radius.c: Cannot load radiusclient-ng configuration file /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf.
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] WARNING[6124] cel_pgsql.c: CEL pgsql config file missing global section.
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] cdr_radius.c: Cannot load radiusclient-ng configuration file /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf.
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] cel_custom.c: No mappings found in cel_custom.conf. Not logging CEL to custom CSVs.
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] cel_tds.c: cel_tds has no global category, nothing to configure.
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] WARNING[6124] cel_tds.c: cel_tds module had config problems; declining load
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] WARNING[6124] channel.c: Already have a handler for type 'Console'
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] ERROR[6124] chan_oss.c: Unable to register channel type 'OSS'
    [Oct 24 14:31:23] NOTICE[6124] app_queue.c: No entries were found for ringinuse/ignorebusy in queue_members table. Using 'ringinuse'

    Merci à tous.

  3. #3
    Membre Junior
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2017
    C'est bon j'ai trouvé d'où venait le problème
    Il a fallu que j'ajoute la ligne "canreinvite=no" au niveau de la config de ma ligne OVH.

    Bon après-midi.

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